The Born Jenn Universe


Thanks for checking out this week’s interview. If you haven’t read our last interview already, you can check it out here.

Today we were able to interview young adult urban fantasy author, Jenn A. Morales, a digital artist responsible for creating both book covers and the entire Born Angel Universe.

We hope you have fun diving deep into the detailed explanation of her series, the difference between some of her main characters, and what inspired her to start writing about them. We did!

1 – Hi Jenn! Thank you for agreeing to do this interview with us today. Could you introduce yourself and your book/s to our readers?

Hi, thank you for asking me to do this! My penname is Jenn A. Morales, and I write Young Adult and Adult Urban Fantasy. The Umbrella Series/Saga is the Born Angel Universe and under that are currently two series: the Born Angel Novels and the Created Angel Novels. Both series have other mini-series in them. I plan to have another series sometime down the road called the Succubus Novels as well.

A Born Angel, Book One of the Kalista Chronicles, is the opening, if you will, of her series. In it you learn about Kalista Iliana Angelic, Heir of Lucifer. It gives you a feel for her world, her role in it, and how awfully things are stacked against her. You also learn where the injustice began and how she copes with it.

The Stained Angel is the first book of the Created Angel Chronicles and the first of the Leighla Tenebrae Novels of which there are two. This takes place twenty or so odd years after the events in A Born Angel and alongside one of the later books in that series.

In The Stained Angel, you are introduced to Leighla, Angel of Light, an International and Preternatural Marshal. You’ll also learn about other Angels and how the higher ranks of Preternaturals operate. Leighla constantly fights against how people perceive her race of Preter, her gender, and her less than spotless reputation.

2 – From what we understand, you’ve written the first books of two different series: The Born Angels Saga and The Created Angel Chronicles. Can we ask why you chose not to finish one series before starting the next?

That’s an interesting question that has a three-fold answer. The first part is that the first series, The Born Angel Novels: the Kalista Chronicles is a twenty plus book series of which I have a bit more than half finished, so I’m releasing them on Halloween from now until it’s finished.

The second part is that the Kalista Chronicles is a Young Adult series for the first few books then transitions into New Adult around book five then full Adult around book ten. There will also be other books in the Born Angel Novels that are not a part of the Kalista Chronicles or Young Adult in genre, and will not be released on Halloween.

The third part is The Created Angel Chronicles intertwines with the Born Angel Novels and, as I’ve hinted, is an Adult series, which includes “Spice” as they refer to it on Social Media. Not everyone will be reading both series, though a good few will. So, I decided to put out both series in an attempt to draw in more readers and also put out more books a year.

3 – Kalista is the main character of The Born Angels Saga and Leighla the main character of The Created Angel Chronicles. If you were to compare the two, how would you describe their similarities and differences?

Actually, Kalista is only the Main Character of the Kalista Chronicles. There will other books in the Born Angel Novels that don’t have her as the Main Character. The same goes for Leighla and the Created Angel Chronicles.

As for similarities, they are both characters who were prepared for greatness and have been misjudged at every turn. Both have dark hair and pale skin too, though that’s coincidental. As for differences, Kalista is a Born Angel, which means she is partially “human” or “other” while Leighla is a Created Angel at the top of the preternatural food chain. Leighla is also a gamer and Kalista is more into books. I don’t want to drone on forever, so I’ll leave it there as to not give any spoilers.

4 – A Born Angel is your debut novel. Is it the first story you ever wrote? If not, do you remember your first story or how you started writing?

It’s not the first one I ever wrote. That first one is later in the series. I started writing after coming up with Kalista as a character for a story that my sister and cousin were “playing” when they were teens. I created her backstory and just started writing after I heard the quote “If you can’t find the book you want to read, then write it.”

That was originally book one, but it got changed all because of one person. I was talking to someone online about my writing and she asked if she could read it. She read the first chapter and wanted to know what the story was up to that point. I didn’t know, so I started writing what is now A Born Angel and I’m forever grateful to her for asking that question.

5 – Both of your current series seem to be urban fantasy stories. Do you – or would you – ever write non urban fantasy stories?

I have written, or started writing a Sci-fi series, but that is currently fanfiction for the moment. It’s a Star Wars series set in the Old Republic Era, but this has been put on the back burner for now. I’ve also written a few Paranormal Romances that will be a part of the Born Angel Universe.

6 – From what we can tell, you’re a digital artist as well as an author. What kinds of things do you tend to draw the most?

Yes, I am. I draw digital paintings, but I work more with 3D Models, like you’d see in video games, and create pictures called “Renders.” For the first, I tend to draw portraits of my characters or mostly females that then become a character in my books. For the latter, they’re usually stills/scenes from the books or that will be in the books to come. Though I do randomly make art of my fandoms and take commissions for other’s Original Characters and books.

7 – Your book covers are interesting. Did you make them yourself or is there someone else you’d like to shout out here?

Thank you! I actually did my own cover art. I was originally going to have a friend of mine do it, but I started working in the same medium and found it easier to do the work myself as I have a hard time conveying how I want things to look and feel.

8 – Besides writing and drawing, do you have any other skills or hobbies you’d like to share with us?

Writing and Digital art (drawings, paintings, and renders) are my main creative outlet, but I’ve tried my hand at a lot of different arts and crafts too. I’ve jokingly called myself the Jill of all trades, master of none, because I feel like I’m decent at a lot but haven’t mastered anything yet. For example, I paint traditionally sometimes. I’ve sewn a quilt, a couple skirts, and little things. I also enjoy painting denim jackets. So far I’ve only done one, but I really enjoyed it.

9 – It seems you like both reading and watching movies. If you had to choose between books and movies, which would you say you prefer and why?

Oh, that’s a tough one. I haven’t watched a lot of movies lately, besides Star Wars, Matrix, and Disney stuff, and the trailer really has to grab my attention or if a friend recommends/watches it with me, I’ll watch one. It’s also hard to get into a lot of books because I’m constantly in Editing mode, and having to switch out to enjoy a book is hard. I actually prefer TV series like Golden Girls, QI, and How I Met Your Mother, haven’t watched the spin off that series yet.

10 – And lastly, is there anything you’d like to say to both your current and future readers?

To the current and future readers: First, to the current readers, thank you for giving The Born Angel Universe a chance and falling in love with the characters and the world I created. Secondly, to the Future readers, I hope you enjoy it as much as I and the current readers do. Thirdly, if you spot what you think might be an error or just have a comment while you’re reading, my dm’s are open. It might take me a bit to get to them, but I love hearing from readers about how things are going. Also, if you have a writing question, I’ll try to help, even if it’s just referring you on to someone else who knows better.

Thank you once again for letting us throw questions at you, Jenn. The worlds and characters in your books sound fascinating and we wish you all the best with them in the future. 🙏🏼

As previously mentioned, Jenn A. Morales is the author of the Born Angel Universe. You can find her books on Amazon, Apple Books, and Google Books.

You can find Jenn on Twitter, Goodreads, and Deviant Art too!

Like this interview with Jenn? Here’s our very first author interview. If you’re an author who’d like to be interviewed by us too, get in touch here!

Thank you for reading our interviews. We hope you enjoy them. Subscribe to Seriality for an email update when we post out the next one. Hope to see you next week!

~ The Seriality Team 🖤⚪

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Published by Sakinah Baksh

Author. Former Hijama (cupping) therapist. INTJ. Cancer. Neutral Good. Tea-lover. These kind of tags are everywhere. Almost everyone has them on their profiles. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, these labels prove that we're not alone. They showcase the similarities between us. I'm more interested in what makes us different ... Are you?

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